ascension symptoms bloatingVetlanda friskola

ascension symptoms bloatingascension symptoms bloating

When the energetic block is released, you may feel an immediate shift. I wrote a blog post about it earlier this fall if you want to scroll through the archives. I SEEN the doves of Venus (in the woods of Canada we do NOT have Doves), I seen everything that was described, and still am. During this process, you will experience a number of different physical, emotion, and mental symptoms. Sending love and light your way! Thanks for this. Eliminating stress, relaxing through meditation or breathing techniques, and forming healthy eating habits can all help reduce and digestive upsets during the ascension process. These ascension flu symptoms can include: Sinus headaches, sore throat, body aches, mild fever, runny nose, stuffy nose, and cough while your physical body adjusts to the changes in your spiritual body. Whispers From The Soul. Many times, this takes a toll on our physical bodies. It is pulling fears, pain, anger, grief, guilt, and shame to the forefront for us to look at, process, heal from, and then let go of. When a life system on this planet raises its vibrational state from one energetic state of being to another higher one, it is known as ascending. I found its mostly myself. : ). Smells, sounds, TV, crowds, and certain people may feel unbearable at times. Im glad some of the symptoms have subsided. SOME OF THE ASSOCIATED ASCENSION SYMPTOMS ARE Hot and cold extremes . Im not a new ager, I understand your anger, rather then ignore your comment ), FREE Printable Thanksgiving Food List PDF (2022), 8 Magical DIY Ways to Add Halloween Spirit to your Home. This takes practice and a lot of patience! Then grazing rather than big meals, hot water bottles, hot tea, sleep in the form of naps rather than a nights sleep, exercise, allowing ourselves to be angry, fed up, scared, freaked out and irritated when needed. Headaches can also be the result of the energies of others being in your head. Ascension involves a return to complete "Oneness with God" The physical symptoms are there, but there is no medical reason for them because the cause is not something physical. Hi Emma, Its been a very long time since I wrote this post and my pov on ascension symptoms has changed because Much love and light to you! Not everyone understands that a shift in consciousness in swiftly underway in 2022, and many are resisting the new energies. When these dense emotions come up Face them. Also, A sense of disorientation or being detached from reality; living 'in your head' or feeling spacey or distracted easily, or "in a fog". But, at the time I just wanted my sleep! Self-care is a must when you are experiencing ascension symptoms! You may feel tingling at the top of your head, or in your hands as Divine light flows in and around you. . Swelling/distention. You cannot live in the 5th dimension (5d) while still holding the vibration of angry, or sad, for example. If its impact is expressed through turbulent weather patterns, why wouldnt my body undergo turbulence as well. 3 a.m. has also been called The Holy Trinity hour, where the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world, thins. Emma, my stomach is very bloated and uncomfortable, and actually, I believe a spirit or spirits keep going inside me. Head pains and pressures, scalp soreness. Noticing shimmers or sparkles of light within the environment, especially in nature, a strange haze, glowing halos or auras around trees and plants, animals and other people. Your body reacts to the high energy in your body that causes tension and it tries to figure out why. This might even cause a sensation of vertigo or dizziness as your light body is activated, and you expand into new levels of multidimensional awareness. As you begin to awaken to the higher dimensional you, you will often experience an intense longing for your true home. And the worst part is the beginning of your awakening. After, about a month, I began reconnecting with family and friends and found I connected with them on a much deeper level than I had before. The old adage goes, Whatever you resist, you assist. Allowing is your best friend in clearing through meditation and root chakra work. This will release the old crap much faster! The first signs of tissue salt deficiency are many signs or symptoms of stress and aggressive aging of the body. Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 1: You start to have body aches 2: You may have sore joints 3: You may start to experience fatigue 4: You start to have frequent headaches 5: You may notice toothaches 6: You start to experience vision changes 7: Tummy issues 8: Skin changes 9: You can get clumsy 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu Toxins and emotional . You may experience headaches, dizziness, fatigue, pain around your teeth and jawline, and ringing in the ears. My radio in the car will suddenly come on and messages will appear in the screen of the radio/CD player. Recently, its been an overwhelming depression. Encounters with angelic and cosmic beings, and the awareness of the presence of non-physical entities or energies. The page will open in a new tab, so you can read it after you finish with this post! Bloating . Allow the excitement and happiness, but again, if you cant sleep, you can always meditate to get the deep repair your physical body needs. I know what you are going through is real. It has been designed to be accessible for anyone interested in learning yoga, and it requires no prior experience or knowledge. Then several days later, while I was in a deposition (Im a court reporter), the earrings just dropped in my lap while I was writing on my machine. You just nailed my experience recently. When this occurs you first need to deduce whether it is food related or an emotional issue that you may be holding onto. Ascension is about awakening the human heart and spirit, inner wisdom, and is the evolution of human consciousness and the planet itself amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; I not only woke up between 2 a.m. & 4 a.m. on my own, I also received many phone calls! Nausea Head pressure . This is not a "suicidal" feeling or necessarily a feeling based on escapism or pain, as some might feel this even when they are in a state of happiness. Ascension is an entirely natural evolutionary process at work in the universe I believe the body talksand when we truly learn the bodys language and listen to what it is telling us, we can heal ourselves! Check inside of yourself to see if it istrue for you and if not get thee to a naturalpath to help you out. Oh Cindy I love that you talk to your body. Your Body & Life with Yoga, Copyright Besides these spiritual ascension symptoms, many people are also reporting flu symptoms during ascension in 2022. Lactose intolerance. change over time as we transmute more Density/Duality and naturally embody more complex, higher frequency Light/Unity. (And less poopiness!) A sudden feeling of being connected to nature and animals like never before; an increased sensitivity to plants, trees, flowers; a deep understanding and appreciation of nature and animals, and more natural or serene environments; an overwhelming desire to be in nature or live around more natural and serene environments. I spent lots and lots of time meditating and pondering my purpose. Bloating. Just let go, and the more personal work you do, the easier it becomes. More serious or uncommon reasons for bloating include: Cancer: Abnormal growth in the ovaries, colon, pancreas, stomach, or uterus. It appears you are experiencing entity attachments. Dont argue with the fear, past, trauma, guilt, shame, doubt, or whatever other negativity youve been holding on to. Dizziness. Now keep in mind this might not resonate with everyone. Felt trapped, very ill in a million ways.. and my body felt Id been kicked by mules. I combine core belief therapy with psychological tips, tools and techniques, energy healing and spirit filled messages, to facilitate for my clients deep inner change which positively transforms their day to day reality. Remember to stay balanced and take time for self-care. By reading the face signs and supplementing with the appropriate tissue salts, one can . Looking out at your environment and feeling as if you are experiencing a dream world or alternative reality; Experiencing the external world as being 'unreal'; things seem 'fake', out of place, distorted or unusual; feeling like you are in a daze or a trance; feeling, disoriented, confused, spacey or ungrounded; feeling detached, withdrawn or isolated; preferring to be in your 'inner world' and feeling more introspective. If you do wake up to a scary dream Call in your angels to surround you and release any and all fear based energy into the light. Arent all symptoms related to ascension? Clair Audience happens a lot a night , because theres so many voices , some normal but some wake me up startle I found once again asking to adjust the volume helps as Im able to go to sleep. Just a guess, however, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! I seen kings and eagles and crows and lots of old old time stuff that I didnt understand. It is as if you are a newborn seeing the world in a new way for the first time in years! I havent written a post about this yet, but it is on my to-do list! You are welcome to join us. Actively listening to your body and supporting vibrant physical health is so essential to your ascension process. Meditation helps you adjust to the new levels of light you are carrying, so ascension symptoms are minimized. Our body is working so hard to let more light come is .. density needs to be released first it is a process and we are going through it at our own pace .. Intense Dreams/ Unusual Sleep Patterns. Hes so comforting and understanding and will heal me tonight. One might experience a pressure in the lower stomach area, or a feeling of being 'full' even if they haven't eaten. Wow! An important note to remember when working with our root chakra is that it releases all this baggage! We had sex, and it was really intense almost magical, but both of us were a bit drained after. Yes, these allcananddidhappen to me during the Ascension process, but I classify them more as a sign of Kundalini Awakening rather than Ascension Symptoms. Sometimes the messages are pretty garbled, where Ill only hear a word or two or three. Often, it's described as a 'crushing' feeling inside the head/skull -- as if one's head is going to 'explode', making one want to literally 'bang their head against the wall'. ~ Depression. Unusual experiences with vision and perception in general. You may begin perceiving things in a profoundly different way than you have in the past; a shift in consciousness is starting to occur. Please take time to practice lots of self-care right now and check with a doctor if there is anything super concerning At least for my peace of mind anyway Usually, when emotions hit you like a ton of bricks all at once, it is for you to observe, process (as you said) and let go of. What goes up must come down, and you then may experience extreme depressive lows and exhaustion after days of being on a spiritual high. These energies and sporadic symptoms will be experienced in the various Chakra centers depending on blocks/issues or when energetically being cleared or activated. This is similar to scuba divers needing to blow air out every 10 feet or so upon ascending to the surface to avoid the bends. Feeling different in general. Through intense dream work you are often releasing old energy, as well as reconnecting with past life experiences, knowledge and memories. These symptoms can sometimes be uncomfortable. As you further awaken on the ascension path it is likely that your sensitivity will increase too. Flatulence. ~ Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria. There may be changes occurring with digestion in general, including changes in diet. Abrupt Life Changes in job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments, or a sudden feeling of wanting to relocate or being drawn to a particular area. Yes, just remember LOTS of self-care and meditation will help ease your exhaustion and ascension flu sickness! In the beginning, when the energy shifts arrive, they bring with them a new and higher vibration. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veil of separation and denial are lifting. Having to face ones worst fears, guilt, and past is never comfortable and often very frightening. Flatulence is the state of having an excessive stomach and/or intestinal gas, which is typically released from the anus with sound and/or odor (foods that contain sulfur are more likely to produce a smelly gas). Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, channel, and founder of Ascension involves the realization of one's true potential as a spiritual being having a human experience" On the spiritual level, it is all about energy and consciousness. Thank you so much . Did you know that there are specific foods designed for your life path number which align you with the vibrational patterns the Universe? enhances your mental abilities! Feeling as you dont belong, as if you are invisible to others, or as if you are a total stranger. I have experienced all of those things its started to subside now but currently having severe lower back pain, literally doubling over loss of appetite and continual (a week) or more of diahrea with no known sickness or illness Thank you love and light. Thank you for your site. Place your hand on the bloated area and ask your body: What can I contribute to you body to assist you during this phase?. Ascension is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment found in Buddhism Here are some of the most commonly reported symptoms: Throughout the ascension process, and especially during times of accelerated change, with surges of high vibrational light frequency, you may experience certain ascension symptoms. Sounds like you are on the right track. Sudden extreme related anxiety symptoms or having panic attacks unexpectedely or often. Most likely you are experiencing this bloating down in the lower belly rather than up in your solar plexus. When I envision it I see the energy like a liquid plummer product unclogging both my body and energy field. Changes in diet and eating habits, or food preferences; sudden or unexplainable digestion issues, usually not due to any specific dietary cause; sudden food allergies or intolerences. Changes in appetite; fluctuating between feeling hungry all the time to complete lack of appetite. How you relieve bloating depends on what's causing it. I am now led to the Ascension program and find comfort in the symptoms you list. Use the signs to change your life and align with who you truly are, and who you were born to be. Vivid dreams . Some people begin to see glittery crystals on their skin, a natural glow, a phenomenon due to the side effect of ascension symptom. Sudden or gradual weight gain or loss, especially in the abdominal area (developing a "Buddha belly"). I wanted to reply back I hear you. Pray with any questions and help you need from your spirit guides and angels, and then listen for answers. Meditate to Ease 2022 Ascension Symptoms. You get a headache, a stomachache, joint pain, dizziness, or any of the other common ascension symptoms (including but not limited to): pain behind the eyes loss of appetite rashes/hives nausea stomach issues neck pain shoulder pain overwhelming emotion crying for "no reason" confusion chills/excess sweating fever These symptoms are sometimes associated with developing Clairaudiant abilities, or 'clear hearing'. Although the following symptoms have been described already in various forms, it's a very common ascension related symptom. If you do think you have ascension flu symptoms in 2022, please comment below! I have a fairly new Volvo. I am trying to express to my family that I feel like I am floating out of my body but they look at me like Im loosing my mind. I turned off technology and went hiking into nature. Inner dialogue that is sometimes clairvoyant or telepathic in nature. Ascension is the evolution of consciousness A common 'ascension' symptom is experiencing pain or pressure in or around the head, or entire skull area, including the eyes, ears, and sinuses, and sometimes in the lower face area, including teeth and gums, and jaw area. These transmutational symptoms can be extreme. You can also use my 5 magic hacks for reaching higher states of consciousness post to make a clear connection with your guides again. If youre having physical or mental symptoms, seeking out professional help to get information or to rule out physical causes is a wise thing to do. This is creating pain and struggle in many, and we are feeling this energy and uncertainty push against our auric fields. If you have flu symptoms you think may be related to Ascension, you are not alone! Im experiencing a bloated torso, thigh area and Ive been in the ascension path heavy for about 5 years now. 2. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. As you take on more levels of light and begin the long journey to reconnecting with your Soul, you will be confronted with all the horrible fears and negativity that youve hidden away, but never processed. Were each in our own bubble of inner work but doing it together. You may have dry or itchy eyes, or blurry vision from time to time, or see haze or static-like energy in air. Have faith that you are adored, loved and supported by your guides and angelic realms and what you are experiencing is being experienced by a few more thousand people a day as we awaken. Your Soul is awakening, which brings more light vibrating at a higher frequency into your physical body. Given that bodies are changing in step with planetary changes, any part of the body may be affected at one time or another and those changes are felt symptomatically in the bodies. Dull pain in the navel area and/or either side of your bellybutton. Your body doesnt respond as it did previously to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual patterns. Do you have a newsletter that I can get? Thank you for this. Meditate, rest when you need, stretch, pray, eat a Whole-food Organic Diet, and drink lots of fresh, clean, filtered water! Im getting telephone calls. They were right there waiting for me after I healed! People with this condition have low levels of the enzyme lactase, which helps to absorb the lactose in dairy products. Before new friendships come in you may go through a period of feeling lonely or like its challenging for you to relate to other people. These can all be extremely unpleasant symptoms of 2022 ascension during spiritual awakening! To sign up, simply wait for the pop-up with the free psychic abilities mini-course and sign-up through that link! I woke up so much between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m., usually with a dream message or an angel number to look up. I also began drinking holy water daily and wearing crystals to keep communication lines to my spirit guides open. I was wondering if you still speak in languages? Eating denser foods of a lower vibration (foods you do not feel good about, including any drugs or alcohol) may begin to cause digestional upsets almost immediately upon consuming them. It's not a race, there is no enlightenment triathlon to win. . Were sticking together and talking through the loathing of anything around us thats not light and like our real home. Alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! To the new levels of the energies of others being in your solar plexus weather patterns, why wouldnt body... Times, this takes a toll on our physical bodies angelic and cosmic beings, and awareness. 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